Bloomburrow Draft!

We finally made the Draft event in Baltimore happen; disease or disaster be damned! With six faculty on hand, we made use of a team draft format pitting teams of three in three* rounds to determine the champions.

*Actually this draft took so long that we didn’t get through all games of the last round, and ended up pulling the plug SIX hours after event start. NSHU admin is considering mandatory homework before future drafts. Also 4 packs always sounds like a good idea but never is.

The teams were Russ, Dean, and Chris VS RJ, Pete, and Jeremy. Personally I thought the set was very cute and had fun mechanics, but I realized much too late that I drafted a deck that only draws cards with no wincons. As such my record was abysmal and my games protracted, resulting in a crushing weight my teammates were not able to overcome.

So the NSHU Bloomburrow Draft Champions are: Dean, Russ, and Chris! Congrats!