Marvelous Mrs Ulamog

This is another flashback to the hot meme of a Standard past. The year was 2016 and the block was Kaladesh. Automatons roamed the streets and filigree foxes curled at everyone’s feet. Energy had just been invented and people were desperate to figure out what the hell it was good for. Something, right?

How about casting something for free:

 Look at the top six cards of your library. You may cast a spell from among them without paying its mana cost. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

This was the activated ability on Aetherworks Marvel, a four mana artifact that makes energy when your stuff goes to the graveyard. So the plan was to spend 3 turns durdling out energy and then max shenanigans to hit something that was hard to cast, but had a specific perk for casting rather than just reanimating. And that could have meant any number of big name… just kidding! It’s ya boy, Ulamog!

But it was very hit or miss, basically if you slammed Uly down on turn 4 you won and if not then… well probably not.

I took inspiration from Gabby Spartz’s post crossing up Settler’s bricks and the Marvel to make an app that pretty much summed up the experience.


This was not just a meme deck, I count 36 out of the top 100 decks at Pro Tour Amonkhet as Aetherworks Marvel decks. That’s just too prevalent, so on June 13th Wizards announce a single addition to the Banned List for Standard: Aetherworks Marvel.

Too strong for his time. But in the years that have passed, I really don’t see it pop up much in other formats. There’s enough diversity that stronger shenanigans abound. And when someone does decide to spin the energy wheel, it’s usually not Ulamog they’re seeking. The ten mana world-shaker has been upstaged with options like Zacama, Drakuseth, or frikkin Ugin. And those don’t even have a casting requirement, so why aren’t you just reanimating them?

Honestly, these days a 10/10 Indestructible without haste or trample isn’t a game ending play. Sure, you probably lost two lands if they actually cast it. Land destruction always stings but the worst part I think is probably the attack trigger. It turns a rampy / stoppy architype into the second worst kind of magic deck.

🤮 Mill.