Tabletop Games

Here are some of the board / strategy / physical games we tend to play. If we’re really into something you’ll probably find a dedicated page with more info.


A fun deck-building game revolving around Action, Buy, Cleanup. There’s a bit of content busy-work.

Magic: The Gathering

Oh, this is a big one. There’s multiple learning curves because there’s so many ways to play. But it seems to capture attention easily once you get over a couple of hurdles.

War Machine

Competitive paints?

A Game of Thrones The Board Game

We actually have proof we player this one! It’s pretty complicated, but if you love the books/show playing a campaign in the setting of Westeros is pretty great.

And here are some of the game rules and elements to help prep for the next campaign:

This game imparts an accurate representation of the backstabbing, betrayal, and drunken debauchery of vying for the Iron Throne.



I dunno, tiny plastic ships or something.