Magic: The Gathering

MTG is the bread and butter of the University. This is where 80% of our profits are generated. Most of our discussions devolve into references to cards or tournaments we’ve held in the past.


We have even traveled to distant locales to compete in Grand Prix events.


We like to bust open some packs for a draft or sealed event every once in a while. It really just depends on when we can get too many people for Commander. There was one even a MTG League with structured play and fraking prizes.

We even have an eight-player-only box of Conspiracy we drag around and threaten to open even though we never do.

Wait.. did we do it? I think we did it baby!


We do Elder Dragon Highlander (commander) as well, but that’s only for when we want to have fun and then get really tilted. Here are the House Rules we play with (mostly).

These are some photos of our Commander Legends Draft in Sep 2021.

Look at that Majestic crown. Such power. So cards.