Video Games

These are games and series we think form the foundation of a common understanding. Beyond recommendations, we think the experience of these games create a language for communicating life. We also happen to have sunk a sizeable number of hours into them.

Any omission is not intentional, merely sloth. Sometimes a property is too influential to add in a list so it gets its own page, other times we’ll review our experiences in a blog post. Check the Video Game category for more.

Add summaries of moar games:

  1. Titanfall
  2. Starfield
  3. Zeldas
  4. Assassin’s Creed
  5. Mass Effect

The Games of Our Life


Destiny is a formative game, check out the dedicated page.

Elite Dangerous

I don’t think we were ready for Elite Dangerous; it took us by surprise. We’ve been searching for a space battle sim, probably since our parents told us to turn off Starfox and come to dinner. This seemed interesting, but then the survival aspect grabbed us. It took so much effort to scrape up credits that we were more risk averse than was probably intended.

We did undertake an adventure to finally meet up in space. It took a surprising amount of coordination. Damn, that was a big game.


Halo is a founding property, check out the dedicated page.

Just Cause

Just Cause is a great series because of the sandbox nature of the game. Yes, the plot game-to-game is virtually indistinguishable, but it’s just the minimum required veneer to justify blowing up as much as possible.

The combination of grapples and parachutes (and then wingsuit) is such a novel transit that I generally even forgo driving (which is pretty well done too). It’s so good that when another game has a grapple or a parachute, it feels like something is just missing.

And, of course, everything blows up.

Actually I just fired up Just Cause 4 again, it is a fucking blast



I do love me some Minecraft. Exploring, harvesting, surviving… And then there’s the Red Stone contraptions. I’ve spent too much time tinkering with the perfect hidden door.

Here’s a quick trip through one of the castles I tossed up on YouTube:


Ah, the Battlegrounds of Player Unknown. This game was one of those “had to be there” moments. It was Quirky; it was Beta; it was a mess. But it was cool. The sounds, oh the terrifying sounds. And the hiding!

probably gonna lay in a field to night, if anyone wants to squad up.

Joey Baltimore

Here are some shots of us palling around, making the best of what we had.

We played enough to advance from “constantly terrified in a bush” to actually vying for the chicken dinner at times.

I was pleased enough with this solo dinner that I made a little montage for you to enjoy:

Can someone explain to me the benefit of pants?
