
Wow, Destiny was a drug. We grinded, we fireteamed, we conquered. From the earliest spinmetal loop to the later tours of the sewers of Calis’s imperial battle cruiser, we were in the thick of it.

there was a certain magic to getting a fire team of 6 guardians all signed on at the same time. But it took a lot of work during the week, it almost seems like homework, to level up and make sure that your gear was uptight and right for primetime. But oh those raid nights! That was the heyday of destiny. That and the OG loot cave.

Loot harder.


From the vault of Glass, to Crota, and even Taniks, they all fell to our teamwork and dedication.

… Eventually. I can still remember those late late nights, sneaking into bed at 2:00 a.m. to have my wife ask ” did you beat it” and having to respond “… No”.

Those puzzles, tasks, and challenges were no joke. Some of them seemed impossible at first but with practice and patience ( and cheese ) eventually they all fell.

This is a Destiny Raid, we beat a challenge and stopped for a team photo

But seriously, I think the interplay between devs and community was a really special experience. It was a game of cat and mouse: they’d release the levels and in hours there would be hott new cheese racing across message boards. They’d patch it up, and some dude would solo a 6 man task in 3 mins. In a way this was the first game I played that was so temporal. You really had to be there; that game is gone into the ether.

I’m not sure how I’m going to port all the stats pages into this site. They seem a little excessive now, and surely not as glorious as when they were made.

Here’s a taste of those sweet stats



There’s lots of videos though.

For REAL, people are playing Destiny 2 again! The news that it’s going free on game pass was enough to get us back on the sparrow.

Here were the clan Tennants:

  • To defend the Traveler wherever darkness rises
  • To represent Nerd So Hard Univeristy with the utmost dignity and resepect demanded by a prestigous organization
  • To render advice and assistance to clanmates and fellow guardians
  • To level high enough to raid and not constantly die like a casual
  • To win a crucible match sometimes, maybe
  • To make epic videos of our antics and post them online; for antics are worthless if not immortalized
  • To be the best of the mediums
  • But most of all to enjoy ourselves in fantasyland

Previous Destiny Posts:

Make Me Look Good

If you’ve played Gambit, you know the fear of an invader. Feels great when you get to down one though. Here’s some highlights of our Player vs Player Destiny exploits.

Beyond Beyond

Destiny 2 has a new expansion out, Beyond Light! It adds some new mechanics and content. Lets watch as our daring guardians embrace the beyond.

Deep Stone Crypt

OMG it’s Raid time. You all know what that means. Staying up way past my bed time while my fireteam checks out their menu or throws themselves in a pit. I kid, I kid. It means some serious challenges that we have to coordinate and communicate to solve. Really fun times.

Well… we’re closer. SO close. Tantilizingly close. It’s not me, it’s Lament, he’s good.

That was an ordeal. We finally managed enough damage to take down Taniks. I’m not sure we can even calculate how many man-hours it took.