The Big Black

Shiney! I finally got Firefly the Game back on the table recently and got to mosey in the ‘verse again with a few stalwart fans. I brought all the expansions like usual, and we ended up playing the base game like usual. It’s a lot of card piles to take in and I’m always reluctant …

Counting Dubloons

We gathered last weekend to scourge the skies with Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest. This is a very approachable game and you generally get the basic mechanics after the end of the first round, but it’s also got enough variation in possible card selection to keep it interesting too. I was familiar with standard Libertalia, so …

Master and Commander

I played a game of Commander with my nephews yesterday, it was the older one’s birthday and I’d given him some upgrades for his precon so they were all pumped to play. Unfortunately I didn’t have a ton of time, so I showed them my Rakdos “Watch the World Burn” deck. They are now familiar …

We are Wolves

Over the Thanksgiving break I dropped in to a board game cafe in Asheville called Well Played. They have a suitably impressive array of games available to while away an afternoon or 400. We ended up selecting a game called The Wolves, partly because it satisfied our need for a 5 player game, but mostly …


Taulva is a beautiful little game that is quick to set up and easy to explain. Watch I’ll teach you how to play right now. Each turn consists of two actions 1) place a tile and 2) place a building. If you are unable to play a building you are out of the game. That’s …

Brother’s War Story

The following contains spoilers for the Brother’s War Storyline. Like… obviously. It’s written with the assumption the reader has general knowledge about the MTG multiverse. The Brother’s War set story is an interesting one in that it provides background on many events, but advances the modern plotline very little. Like a paltry amount. The gang …

Marvelous Mrs Ulamog

This is another flashback to the hot meme of a Standard past. The year was 2016 and the block was Kaladesh. Automatons roamed the streets and filigree foxes curled at everyone’s feet. Energy had just been invented and people were desperate to figure out what the hell it was good for. Something, right? How about …