Complicated Schmoplicated

Old Bald Nerd prepares to play highly complicated board game, the smile won’t last long.

Prompted by an article on Bell of Lost Souls about the second most complicated board game of all time, I went out and found a copy. Then I watched, and re-watched, and re-watched a seven part YouTube series on how to play the damn game. Then I set it up and played solo. I died in three days. Then I played solo again and died in seven days.

Then on Indigenous People’s day (a Federal Holiday for me, but children have to go to school) I got three other nerds over the house to wrack it up on the table. And we made it through 15 Days. And then I set the whole damn thing back-up and ran it back with professor-emeritus Lupes and we made it through 21 days! That game ended with Lupes’ White Knight dead in a cave, but a rules review after indicates he probably should have not died. I, on the other hand, had an Elf who got cursed twice and both times the dice ate up my victory conditions. With about a 10 day journey to the chapel to remove the curse, Lupes was the winner.

Finishing that many days was extremely satisfying. I’m not sure when it gets on the table again (Veterans Day?) but I think we can do all 28 days in 4-5 hours. Complicated? Yes, there are two many rules, the rules are absurd, and there are too many #chartsngraphs. But still, it’s worth the nerd merit badge to say I’ve played.

One Comment

  1. Nice! I can’t wait for the NSHU abridged video tutorial to get our other faculty up to speed for next time.